Sleepless in Seattle

My friend Martie complained of having sleepless nights! The first thought that crossed my mind is that she must be in some difficulty. I immediately inquired from her if that is the case. She said no, but she can’t seem to “switch off” at night. That’s when it hit me… I am not the only one who goes to bed with a dead tired body, but after the light goes out, the checkered flag is raised, and the Monaco Grand Prix starts up in my head. Thoughts racing at 200 km per hour, but they can never seem to cross the finish line.

There can be various reasons why you can’t sleep. So it’s always good to make sure that no obstacles are hindering a good night sleep.

So let’s see:

This was my lot, by day the heat consumed me and by night the cold and I could not sleep. Gen31:40.

Ensure your bed, bedroom, pyjamas, pillow, room temperature, mosquitoes, or pet interference are taken care of. If you need a new mattress, then go and get one! Don’t take any substance that will keep you awake before bedtime, and don’t go to bed too late.

It is vain for you to rise up early, to take rest late, and to eat the bread of anxious toil, for He gives blessings to His beloved in sleep. Psalm 127:2

God bestows “sleep” upon his people in some sense in which it is not bestowed on others, or that there is, regarding their case, something in which they differ from those who are so anxious and troubled – who rise so early for the sake of gain – who toil so late – who eat the bread of care. The idea seems to be calm, repose, and freedom from anxiety or solicitude. God makes the mind of his people – his beloved – calm and tranquil, while the world around is filled with anxiety and restlessness – busy, bustling and worried. As a consequence of this calmness of mind and their confidence in Him, they enjoy undisturbed repose at night. They are not kept wakeful and anxious about their worldly affairs as other men are, for they leave all with God, and thus he “giveth” his beloved sleep.” (Barnes Commentary).

In peace, I will both lie down and sleep, for You Lord, alone make me dwell in safety and confident trust – Psalm 4:8

Sleep is a precious commodity in this day and age. Although going to the Spa for relaxation is an ‘old hat’… going to a sleep clinic is the new “in” thing nowadays!

I laid me down and slept; I awoke; for the LORD sustained me. Psalm 3:5

When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet. Proverbs 3:24

I have two practical tips you can try to “switching off”. First, instead of counting sheep jumping over a fence, count your blessings as you put them in a basket. Or, you can download the Bible onto your Mobile phone and listen to it after you turned off the lights. If I find my mind is still racing by whilst the bible message is playing, I repeat the words in my mind and keep my concentration on the message.

Before I say good night, sleep tight and don’t let the bed bugs bite, I leave you with these words: When you lie down, you shall not be afraid; yes, you shall lie down, and your sleep shall be sweet. Proverbs 3:24

This is a promise from the Lord. Take it and sleep on it.